If you have the Share & Excite (Discussions) module enabled then administrators will see the following additional options in the left hand function menu. If you cannot see these options and you think you should have access then either speak to your organisation’s primary administrator or send a message to support@workinconfidence.com.
Enabling Discussion Boards and Changing Settings
By default Discussion Boards are disabled allowing you to set them up and get them working to your organisation’s liking before making them visible to every user.
The settings page allows you to choose what you would like the Discussion Boards are to be known as. For example you may prefer to call them Forums, Our Voice or something else that meets with the organisations needs. The text that you enter here is then displayed in the menu that allows the users to access the boards and in the headings.
Below the Discussion Board name is an area where you can enter text that appears at the top of all the Discussion Board user facing pages.

Discussion Board Settings
When you are ready click the Enable Discussion Board checkbox and click save to enable the boards.
Choosing who can Start a New Thread
It is also possible to tailor who can start a new discussion board thread. On the settings page look for the option which by default is set to Everybody. In this context Manager means “Conversation Recipient”. See here for more details on WorkInConfidence roles.
Need more help? If you'd like help or support on any feature of WorkInConfidence then please get in touch by either creating a new support ticket, sending an email to support@workinconfidence.com or using the chat function in the bottom right of the page.