Best Practice Use of WorkInConfidence

WorkInConfidence is an online service that enables you to have a conversation confidentially and anonymously.  When you start a conversation, whether it be an issue or idea, the intention should be one of resolution. To make the best use of this service we have come up with some areas to consider when starting your conversations.


  • Constructive feedback. Constructive feedback is information-specific, issue-focused, and based on observations. It can either be positive feedback (appreciation) or negative feedback (concern), where outcomes could be better.
  • State observations – not interpretations. Tell what you’ve noticed, not what you think of it, and report the behaviour you notice. Observations have a far more factual and non-judgmental aspect than interpretations.
  • Be direct. Provide feedback in a straightforward succinct manner.
  • Clarity. The purpose of the feedback is to provide clarity on a situation with a view to resolution.
  • Solutions. Where possible, make suggestions of steps forward.


  • Sincerity. Mean what you say with care and respect.
  • Tone. Try and chose a factual tone. Tones such as anger, frustration, disappointment, and sarcasm tend to colour the language of the message. Your message is important – make sure it isn’t lost in noise and harshness.
  • Take special care with negative feedback. The aim is to create awareness that can lead to correction or improvement.


  • Raise issues, concerns and suggestions as they occur to you. This will normally be as soon as possible, however, in some cases, particularly with negative feedback, it may be appropriate to wait a little to ensure you deliver your message in a constructive, clear and factual way.


  • Use WorkInConfidence as regularly as possible. Creating a better working environment for everyone requires constructive feedback from those that work within it.

Need more help? If you'd like help or support on any feature of WorkInConfidence then please get in touch by either creating a new support ticket, sending an email to or using the chat function in the bottom right of the page.